A Haiku

one transcendent kiss / that later makes lovers take / soft breaths, holding hands

©2011 Lori L. Otto, Lost and Found

It’s funny how life works.  I was inspired to add a little section to the novel, but it required a poem.  I decided on a haiku, but then realized I had to actually pen one.  I haven’t written poetry since high school.  It was scary and daunting and I spent an entire lunch hour nearly pulling my hair out trying to find the right words, the right sentiment.  I was decently pleased, but realized at the end of the hour that the poem I wrote would significantly change the chapter… and I didn’t want it to change.  (It also had the word “love” in it three times.  Three of seventeen syllables were “love.”  Overkill much?)

Anyway.  I got home that night and downloaded a free magnetic poetry app.  I needed inspiration (but wasn’t willing to pay).  ”Lover,” “breath” and “hands” were some of the words it offered, so I stared at the iPad until something decent came out of my head.

I think it’s decent, anyway.  I was so afraid to post it that I actually gave credit to the character in the book who writes it on my Facebook page.  Feeling accomplished, I went to work the next day.  My manager came into the back and asked me to help a customer who was freaking out because her mail wasn’t working.  I just shrugged and told her to lead the way.  The woman is a comparative literature professor– and a poet.  I fixed her mail problem (so she really does think I’m a genius) and we talked about writing and poetry and prose.  She gave me her number and asked me to contact her so we could read one another’s work.  I don’t know why I feel like this is a sign, but I do.  I mean, I don’t meet poets every day.  It gave me the confidence to go ahead and post the haiku here.

It may not seem special to you, but it does to me.  I know the story.  I imagine those of you who know Nate’s story probably think it’s pretty special, too.

Anyway.  Why am I writing on my blog?!?  I have a book to finish rewriting!  Blërg.  Tomorrow is day 8 of 8.  Then it’s my working staycation.  Can’t wait to start.

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