KDP Select came through for me… this time!

Please excuse my while I humbly sit in shock…

First of all, thank you to all of you readers who took advantage of the free LOST AND FOUND ebook offer over the past three days. For once, I am blown away by the results. Now, the rest of this post will probably only interest other self-published authors… but feel free to read on.

I’m not a big-time book seller. The money I make from books each month could typically pay for dinner for myself at a $$-$$$ restaurant. Once. I’m obviously not quitting my day job anytime soon. I’ve had an incredibly difficult time marketing my books, and it shows. My series is quite well-reviewed (4.29 on Goodreads), but I haven’t been able to reach the masses yet. I do have some fans that are very good at recommending the books to their friends, and I’m grateful to them, but I guess the lack of a red room of pain keeps this from reaching an audience I once thought would enjoy my stories. Regardless, I don’t intend to add one to any future books.


So as most of you know, I’ve been participating in the KDP Select program through Amazon.com. If I sell my ebooks through them exclusively, I have the opportunity to promote them for free five times in a 90-day period. I haven’t been incredibly successful at finding the right day to offer these free ebooks, nor have I been very good at promoting the offer. Over the past five months, I’ve offered LOST AND FOUND for free ten days. I don’t remember the stats of the first five, but on the sixth time, I gave away about 450 books (on a Tuesday). I did very little to promote the offer that day, and was pleased with the results. The seventh time, I gave away the book on Labor Day, and only gave away 93 books. I had even submitted the offer to free-Kindle-promotional websites the day before, but they seemed to have no effect. I was extremely disappointed in those results.

It was after the seventh time that I decided to do a little research about other peoples’ successful campaigns. The ones that I read about with the best results were multi-day offers that were supported by advance promotion, blog tours and social media bursts. I decided to use my last three days of this 90-day period and offer the book for free three days in a row. I was hoping to give away 500 books, but dreamed of breaking the Top 100 Free Kindle books chart. I had no idea how many books that would require me to give away.

I picked Tuesday through Thursday, and planned ahead by submitting my book to a lot of websites that promote free Kindle books the weekend before the promotion began. I created a three-day Twitter campaign that tweeted every ten minutes from midnight to 9pm. Tuesday was depressing. I checked stats all day, and even half-way through Wednesday, I had only given away a little over 100 books. I sort of pouted all afternoon, even as I saw tons of my Twitter followers retweeting my tweets. I couldn’t figure out what I was doing wrong.

After work Wednesday, feeling sorry for myself, I checked my stats. Somehow, I was up to 1300 books given away. In four hours, 1200 books had been downloaded. I was floored, and I realized I was inching closer and closer to the Top 100 Free Kindle books chart. Five hours later, I was up to 3500 books, and my book was sitting pretty in the 105th position. I thought once it hit the Top 100, even more downloads would come because it would have a lot more exposure.

When I woke up this morning, I had reached #39 on the chart with over 4000 downloads. While I suspected today would be even better than yesterday, things have slowed down considerably. Right now, with about four hours remaining, I’ve given away about 5450 books. That averages out to approximately 80 books an hour since the promotion started. Consider my mind blown.

I still don’t know what happened yesterday afternoon to bring so much attention to my book, but whatever it was, it helped me surpass my goals by quantities I couldn’t fathom before now. I know that a lot of people who download free books never get around to reading them all, but even if 1% read them, I’d be elated. That’s 54 new readers gained in three days.

Not only did people take advantage of the free offers, I also sold quite a few books, making this month my best month ever, looking strictly at royalties. In the last three days, I nearly doubled what I’d sold in the first 17 days of the month, and even though that’s still not very many books, it could pay for a few modest dinners, which is a huge success, in my mind. I’ll probably use the extra money for Christmas gifts, though.

What did I learn? Gee… a part of me still thinks it might be a fluke, but when it comes time to give away the next great book, I’ll definitely try this strategy again first.

Would you like my Kindlegraph?

For those of you with a Kindle and a Twitter account, I can actually digitally sign your ebooks!  All you have to do is click the kindle graph logo above, sign in with your Twitter account, find my books (I’m listed under Lori L. Otto), and just request it!

Fine print: You have to have an actual Kindle (not an app), and you have to have purchased the books.

Is Amazon.com creating a Bookie Monster?

A cautionary note: today’s post might be most pertinent for authors.

I’m a little sour on this whole KDP select thing, I’m not going to lie.  Two weeks into it, and I’ve seen hundreds of downloads of my books from my free day, but ZERO sales and ZERO borrows otherwise.

When they announced this program, I was adamantly opposed because of it’s exclusivity clause.  To participate, an author cannot sell their eBooks ANYWHERE ELSE.  Period.  Is it me, or does that feel a little monopolistic?

I wasn’t going to do it, but after having my series published for a year, sales have been dwindling, and I thought this might be something different to generate a few more sales.  I’m already thinking: “What was I thinking?”

Of course as soon as I decided to do this, and pulled my books from other sites, people started wanting the books from those other sites, which was problematic.  Also, now that I can see sales from last month, I realize those sales had actually been picking up on iBooks, which has taken a long time to catch on.  Now my books will disappear until mid-July, and I’ll have to start from scratch (pretty much) on all of those other sites.

Do I think the free day was effective?  Sure, if my goal was to get my name and books out there, then maybe it was.  But I wasn’t kidding about those book hoarders.  Just go on goodreads and check out how many books people have in their “to read” shelf.  Some are completely out of hand.  We’re talking hundreds of books that– let’s be honest– they’re not going to read.  Maybe some, but the vast majority just like to have a plethora of books to choose from.  I mean, I think I have 10 or so on my “to read” shelf, and I doubt I’ll read half of those.  So while it’s exciting to say “X-hundred people downloaded my books today,” people have to actually read the books to spread the word to potential new buyers.

On the day that I gave my books away, I did a search for myself, and found quite a few “free kindle books” websites that just throw up links to literally hundreds of books so people can just download to their heart’s content.  It’s haphazard… unpredictable… there’s no categorization, so people who do that probably just click and ‘buy,’ click and ‘buy.’

So really, all this program seems to do is perpetuate the instant gratification and hoarding tendencies that seem to be becoming more and more prevalent in our society.  They’re creating Bookie Monsters, essentially.  I hate this desire to have MORE MORE MORE!!! NOW NOW NOW!!!  Come on, world!  Simplify.  Slow down.  Enjoy life.  Enjoy books.  Enjoy the stories they tell.  The point of books isn’t to have books, it’s to escape into another world to get away from everyday monotony, to escape the fast pace and enjoy something on your own terms.

But maybe this is just one girl’s opinion.  I don’t know.

I guess there’s good news for all of these Bookie Monsters… books don’t have calories.

Thank you for the downloads, mentions, and reviews!

I just wanted to thank everyone who took advantage of the free ebooks on Amazon.com yesterday.  I think it was a smashing success– provided some of you read the books.  (I hear there is a whole underground world of ebook hoarders… I’m waiting for that reality show.)

Quite a few of my friends and twitter followers were nice enough to share the information with their friends and followers, and I really appreciate their support.  It’s really hard to get the word out there, but every little bit helps, so thank you.

There was also one lovely person that I don’t know (at least by their Amazon.com name) that left reviews on all three of the ebooks yesterday.  When I woke up and saw this, I literally teared up.  So thank you, from the bottom of my heart, the top of it, and everywhere in between.  You have no idea what reviews mean for Indie authors.  (Or maybe you do… I’m not sure.)

For those of you new to Emi’s world, I truly hope you enjoy her journey to happiness.  I promise you, it’s all worth it.

(And if you’re still not sure you want to venture into this series, check out the reviews.)

Y’all have a good week!

PS I forgot to mention that this is the first time anyone has downloaded my books from the Germany and Spain Amazon.com sites!  Pretty cool!

Danke & gracias!


Today! 4/22 – Get your free second-edition Emi Lost and Found eBooks!

The new second-edition Emi Lost & Found series covers are finally complete! To celebrate, I am offering each eBook for FREE on Sunday, April 22, on Amazon.com! Remember when I mentioned that I had a plan, and needed your help? That time has come!

I need to get my books higher up the Amazon.com charts, and that’s where you come in. The good thing is, I’m making this easy for you by providing all the links– and it’s free!

If you have an Amazon.com account, I need you to go get your free copies of Lost and Found, Time Stands Still, and Never Look Back anytime on Sunday, April 22nd. (I think the actual times are from 12:00am PST to 11:59pm PST.) If you have a Kindle eReader, great! You’re all set.

If you don’t, but you have any of the following devices, you can get their Kindle reader software for free by clicking on the device link:

iPhone / iPod touch
Android phone
Windows Phone 7
Android tablet
Windows PC


What if I don’t have a Kindle or any of these devices?

Well, you may not be able to read the books right now, but you could still help by purchasing your free copies on Sunday.

What if I’ve read the books already?

You can still download the books for free to show your support for an independent author of a dramatic fiction series. You can also write reviews for each of the books. Reviews are the best way for readers to discover new authors, so this would be an awesome way for you to help.

I already purchased them for my Kindle. Now what?

You’re in the same boat I am. You can’t ‘repurchase’ them, of course, even when they’re free and have an entirely new cover! If you’re hell-bent on helping (and I love it, if you are), you could simply create a new Amazon.com account (if you have multiple email addresses). You could also help by writing reviews (like I mentioned above).

Can I buy the books another day?

Sure! You can buy them any day, but for now, the only day they’ll be offered for free is on Sunday, April 22, 2012. Regularly, the books are $2.99 for Lost and Found, $3.99 for Time Stands Still, and $3.99 for Never Look Back.

I’m an Amazon Prime member. Can I borrow them for free?

You sure can, you lucky Prime member, you. Borrow away… this helps, too.

Why can’t I find these on iTunes/Barnes and Noble/Smashwords/Sony/Kobo anymore?

The books are being offered exclusively to Amazon.com until mid-July. In a few weeks, the paperbacks will all be updated with new cover art, as well, so you can still get those from Amazon.com or Barnes and Noble.

Thank you to everyone who participates in this… and please, forward this on to as many friends as you can. Share it on Facebook, forward an email, tweet and retweet until the fail whale rears its ugly head… Let them know this is for your friend, co-worker, sister, daughter, neighbor, etc… and ask them kindly to help. If they like to read fiction with interesting characters and emotional depth, they’ll be happy you mentioned this to them!

And hey, if you picked up your free copy today, let me know in the comments! I’ll put your name into a drawing for the new Lost and Found paperback!

I’ve got a plan. It involves YOU.

So, I’m going to need your help soon.  Really soon.  I don’t want to bore you with all of the details, but through mid-July, I can only sell my eBooks on the Kindle store.  I’ve mentioned it here and here.  Anyway, I need to move the books in my Emi Lost & Found series up on the Amazon charts, so lots of activity in a condensed amount of time is good.

Once my covers are all completed (soon!!), I will be running a promotion where you can get ALL THREE EBOOKS FOR FREE for one day.  If you haven’t bought them yet from the Kindle store, this will be your chance to get them with the shiny new covers and everything.  You can tell all of your friends about it, too– and I hope you will.  Even if they don’t like dramatic, romantic fiction, tell them it’s for a good cause.  Tell them it’s for an independent author who’s just trying to make it in this world.  Entrepreneurial spirit.  Self-motivated.  Buzzword that evokes positive imagery and happiness to all the world… Oh, and make sure you tell them it’s FREE.

If you have already bought the books for your Kindle or Kindle app, then I ask that you take some time to review them since you can’t “repurchase” them.  Reviews give credibility to independent books.  If you’ve reviewed the books elsewhere, please consider reviewing them on Amazon.com, too, because– let’s face it– there are a ton of readers who go to that site to find new reading material… more so than any other book-related site.

Please be on the look-out for an email, blog post, Facebook update, tweet, and carrier pigeon delivery announcing when this ONE SPECIAL DAY will be.  And consider participating.  I might even name a character after you.

Emi Lost & Found series eBooks: available only on Amazon.com

You read correctly– the Emi Lost & Found series eBooks (this includes LOST AND FOUNDTIME STANDS STILL and NEVER LOOK BACK) can now be found exclusively through Amazon.com’s Kindle store.  This will be the only retailer you can get the eBooks from through mid-July.

Don’t have a Kindle?  Don’t worry!  You can still read anything you purchase from the Kindle store on your PC, Mac, iPod touch, iPhone, Android phone, Windows 7 phone, Blackberry, iPad and Android tablet.  Just click here to download the free Kindle reader of your choice!

Starting Thursday the 12th (I think), Amazon Prime members should be able to check out LOST AND FOUND, TIME STANDS STILL, and NEVER LOOK BACK in the Lending Library, so make sure you take advantage of that free “library” loan every month!

Happy Anniversary to Me!

It’s hard to believe it’s been a year already!

A year for what?

On March 22, 2011, I self-published my first book, LOST AND FOUND.  After nine months of querying agents and polishing my EMI LOST & FOUND series, I decided I’d do it myself.

In honor of my anniversary, I’m going to stop writing this post so you can go download my first book for $1.99 and spend some time reading that.  I promise it will stay for you infinitely longer than this blog post.

More info about LOST AND FOUND:

When artist Nate Wilson falls in love, he falls hard. The problem is, he’s only been in love once, and the girl of his affections is his best friend, Emi Hennigan. In high school, the two bonded over painful breakups, and swore off a relationship to save their friendship. Thirteen years later, Nate has had more than his share of emotionally-unfulfilling, sexual relationships with beautiful women to distract himself from his true romantic feelings.

When a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity takes Nate away from his friend and his comfortable lifestyle, he is forced to reflect on the distinct void that Emi’s absence leaves in his life. To Nate’s surprise, Emi has a similar experience; but as the friends embark upon their journey toward happiness together, destiny reveals other plans for Emi.

Emi Lost & Found series ebooks will be available exclusively for Kindle

I am going to try the Amazon KDP Select program for a few months… what this means to you, readers, is that through June 2012 (at least), I will only be selling the ebooks to Kindle users.  Note: this does not just mean Kindle device owners.  People who have the free Kindle for Mac, Kindle for PC, Kindle for iPhone, Kindle for iPad, Kindle for Blackberry, Kindle for Windows Phone 7 or Kindle for Android apps will also be able to purchase all of the books and read them in their specific Kindle reading device.

It may take a few hours to a few weeks for the books to be removed from online stores such as the iTunes store, the Nook store, the Sony ebook store, the Kobo ebook store and Smashwords, so if you need the books in one of those formats, please visit your respective site ASAP.  If you can’t find the format you need, email me and I’ll see if there’s anything I can do for you in this interim period.  Once the books are removed from all other retailers, though, you will have to purchase the Kindle format from Amazon (or the paperback from various online retailers) if you want to read Emi’s story.  All purchase links are here.

If you’ve never used the Kindle app, you should give it a try!  I have it on my iPad, iPhone and MacBook, and I really do like using it just as much as iBooks… and the app is FREE!

This author’s begging for reviews, not sales…

Here’s my question: Will you please review my book?

All together now: [YES!]

If you purchased it or obtained it from me or someone else, and you took the time to read it, and you kind of liked it (or even loved it)… will you please take a few minutes to review it?

There are so many of you out there who have emailed me or tweeted me or contacted me on Facebook, and you all have lovely things to say, but your beautiful comments will help spread the word and share the story with others if you review the books on a website or store like amazon.com, barnesandnoble.com, or iTunes.

You can click on the links on the “Where to Buy” page to take you to each individual book’s page on whatever site you choose.  If you frequent goodreads.com, you can go there, too.

Lastly, thank you to those of you who have taken the time to review.  It means a lot to me as a mushy, feely person, as well as an author.  🙂

Don’t forget to click the puppy!